“Sing 2,” the sequel to the 2016 animated movie, where Hollywood superstar Matthew McConaughey played a koala who is hosting a singing competition to save his...
The Game is back with the bars. The Compton rapper teams up with DJ Kayslay for their lethal collaboration, “72 Bar Assassin.” Over the menacing beat,...
DAX is back. Dax is still torturing beats, and goes ham over Dr. Dre and Eminem’s classic song “Forgot About Dre”. Taken from his ransacked living...
Eminem will officially be eligible for the next year’s Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Artists become eligible for induction 25 years after the release of...
In a new interview with HipHopDX, Big Daddy Kane confirmed that he was interviewing Eminem and Jay Z for his upcoming Netflix documentary, titled “Paragraphs I...
Back in September 2020, Kanye West revealed that he has a remix of “Use This Gospel” song with Eminem and Dr. Dre, saying that it is...
Aretha Franklin is not the only Detroit music legend whose story is coming to the big screen. Marvin Gaye is getting the biopic treatment, Deadline reported...
Our Last Night did it again – the band released a new cover. For their latest cover, they grabbed the Eminem classic song “Lose Yourself” and...
There is a theory that MMA fighters who walk out to Eminem’s music lose more frequently. Yesterday, Roque Martinez used Eminem’s “No Love,” featuring Lil Wayne...
Eminem’s albums sales worldwide has surpassed 144 million mark. You can check out how much each album sold. (Not counting D12, Curtain Call: The Hits and...