Mr. Porter, who has recently celebrated his 44th birthday, interacted with music industry executive, artists and repertoire representative, and record producer, Dante Ross on twitter. The...
“Elvis” is an upcoming biographical musical film directed by Baz Luhrmann, from a screenplay written by Luhrmann, Sam Bromell, Craig Pearce, and Jeremy Doner, with a...
Grammy-award winning singer CeeLo Green was recently given an honorary doctorate degree in humanitarianism from Global Alliance International University. In a new interview with KTLA, Green...
Eminem and CeeLo Green have a new song on the soundtracks album of “Elvis” movie, produced by Dr. Dre. “Elvis” is an upcoming biographical musical film...
Couple of hours ago, Eminem previewed a new song titled “The King And I,” featuring CeeLo Green, which is from the soundtracks album of new “Elvis”...
“Elvis” is an upcoming biographical musical film directed by Baz Luhrmann, from a screenplay written by Luhrmann, Sam Bromell, Craig Pearce, and Jeremy Doner, with a...