Eminem picks top 5 underground hip-hop songs of the year

Last month, in collaboration with Audiomack, Eminem announced “The Art of Bars” project and asked upcoming artists to submit their music to get a chance to appear on the playlist, which is curated by Eminem himself: “Speakin of bars… im takin over 4 Audiomack’s art of bars playlist nxt month – hit the link to submit and im adding whoevers got the best bars!” Em wrote on social media and gave the list for 89 songs for the promotion.

Couple of days ago, Eminem announced the songs that made into his top 25 underground songs of the year. First five songs were chosen by Slim Shady alone, the rest 20 were picked up by collectively by Eminem and the stuff of AudioMack.

“the best BARS from #theartofbars @audiomack – check the first 5 of the playlist for my picks” wrote Eminem on social media while sharing the playlist. Check the list below:

1. FORTUNXTE – “Statues”
2. Radamiz – “The Monk’s Ferrari”
4. J. Young – “NEW WORLD ORDER”
5. Samad Savage – “GOODNIGHT”

6. ShaqIsDope – “Sunday”
7. Luka Pryce – “Archives”
8. Black Dre – “The Update”
9. Amplified. – “Like This”
10. Airospace – “WHATEVER MAN” ft. Chowerman
11. Dyme – “Antimatter”
12. Slee! – “Bleeding Out”
13. Gezim Camaj – “Letter To Myself”
14. K-Prez – “Bonkers”
15. AGNB Leché – “PATIENCE”
16. Prentice – “Excellence”
18. Kipp Stone – “18 The Hard Way”
19. Smaxklord – “Impeachment”
20. Les – “Five Star Frog Splash”
21. Novet – “Poetry In Motion”
22. ICEY LLC – “Lo Bucket (Freestyle)”
23. imjustdonny – “Thank You”
24. Mike the $eventh – “Adult $wim,” ft. Camo
25. Kid lavon – “Smoovement”

You can listen to the playlist below:

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