Math Hoffa, Grafh & 38 Spesh discuss The Game’s Eminem diss-record

Math Hoffa, Esso, Mr. Mecc, Hynaken and Sean Bigga have recently sat down with Grafh and 38 Spesh on the latest episode of My Expert Opinion where the crew talked about the best diss tracks in history and this is where the discussion about The Game’s “The Black Slim Shady” started.

Mr. Mecc: Nobody talking about The Game’s diss-track because it was not good. We were talking about top 5. Why brining that record up?

Hynaken: Where does it rank? Maybe top 99? [Laughs]

Esso: I think the record is okay. I think its a little long for me to get into. I think the records duration is kind of long to listen to but it was okay.

Grafh: In my opinion as an emcee, if he took the dopest parts of the song and turn it into one verse it would have been a f**king smoker. He was some creative s**t and doing other s**t and made art out of this s**t. I ain’t mad it was an idea. Third verse was stupid, its crazy. Fourth was alright. Some other parts was cool too. If you took dopest parts and made one long verse ni**as be talking about that s**t. I think he was just trying to be creative.

Mr. Mecc: I think the part of the reason this track is not getting a conversation is because, every diss-track has a story behind it, this diss-track kinda came out nowhere. Like, why do you have a problem with Eminem after all this time? Em has not even addressed it.

For the full discussion, watch the video below:

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