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Suge Knight’s son says only North Dakota & Arkansas listens to Eminem




Suge Knight’s son Suge J. Knight has recently set down with Cam Capone News where he talked about Eminem.

Eminem probably having fun but I can not confirm that. A lot of people do all kind of s**t. All I can say about Eminem bro, is that all I said, everything I do takes out of context. So on my Instagram, all I said was, you do not hear anybody playing Eminem. That is just my generation I’m speaking for, probably. You don’t really hear anybody playing him.”

“He is a legend dude, he is a legendary guy. I am not taking his credibility. I just have my opinion. Do I apologize for it? Nah Man, that is who I am. I actually like one Eminem song. I did not even know Drake sampled it on Chicago freestyle (meaning “Superman”.) But the new s**t Eminem just recently dropped? No. Everybody is saying the same s**t I was saying. This Ain’t it.”

“He’s still doing big number cause he is still a big guy. If you go to North Dakota, the probably slapping that s**t. Arkansas and s**t like that.” – says Suge J.

You can watch the interview below:
